

I am constantly re-evaluating our school schedule. As soon as I think I have something that works for us, something changes. Be it our schedule outside of school, our attitudes, or our lesson plans – it changes constantly. I went to a friend to see what works for them, hoping to glean something that may help our family.

Enter: Symposium. This family took time (mostly) everyday to gather as a family and think on and discuss good things. You know– the things we all say we want to do but get so busy checking boxes that we never get to….

Bible reading, family read aloud, poetry, art, music, hymn study…..

We have been making a conscious effort to gather everyday (sometimes at lunch) to do this. Our schedule is flexible but we have been doing better than none at all!

The rotating schedule was an idea from the book “Teaching From Rest” by Sarah MacKenzie. Grab a copy! It is a great book! I listened to it on Audible while I washed dishes.

We are creatures of habit. Try to make them good ones!!